Tall and slim, long brown hair
Red shinning lipstick, hazel eyes and her skin so fair
In she comes with high heels, short skirt, her posture so staright
All the men just have one question to ask, “Can we go on a date?”
“Date?” she said “sorry! I am married Indian woman”
“I may look 22, but at home I have 2 children”
“ OMG” said an aunty from the corner, “she doesn’t have anything in her neck to prove she is married”
Another aunty said, “at least red colour on her forehead she should have carried.”
Granny said, “What the hell is she wearing, does she know what is respect and tradition?”
Another lady muttered, “Wonder what values she’ll pass on to the next generation.”
Among all the critics, 21st century woman stood so not shaken.
She is much beyond this phase and she knows these criticisms too close to your heart must not be taken.
She thought – to prove my marriage why do I need something in my neck and forehead?
There are so many women out there, who in spite to be perfect daughter-in-law or wife their marriages are dead
I am not a property or a document- whose identity needs to be proved by stamping me red
Why don’t men do something? Dress certainly? Or wear something to show they are lawfully wed.
I don’t find wearing short skirts or skinny jeans provocative
Wear whatever suits you- you may be tall, thin, tiny or massive
Granny’s ‘nauvari’ was well above her knees
I could see that critic aunty’s fat tummy through her saree.
Tradition and religion are separate and different
Religion teaches us our duties which in life are important
Every generation however has witnessed traditions very vividly
No matter what every mother-in-law said every daughter-in-law has done things differently.
Your ethics and morals on clothes, it can’t be judged
‘Respect’ is not a candy to be given, it has to be earned
Is important people know you by your nature and your conduct
It’s vital to rise above everything, in vicious circle of criticism and gossips you should not be caught.
Remember every change came at the cost,
Look at you in the mirror there is nothing you have lost
I look so smart and confident, my personality so blissful!
My job gives me good money and satisfaction… isn’t that cool?
On weekends feast for family and friends I cook
I make sure that, children’s report cards have good grades to look
For my children I can be a bum and bottle cleaner
What’s your problem if my husband helps me out with the dinner?
I can do everything; I surely can mutli-task
Make in time for work, home perfectly spotless and not miss my aerobics class
Mind you, I am religious and not against certain traditions
All I am talking about is simply evolution!!
-- Veda
Like Like Super Like! I told you - you should get back to your writing ways!
ReplyDeleteU rhyme very well! :-)
the country in which u r , respects writers and painters. You sure need to research , and u never know if there's something which is unknown right now . Impressive , real impressive writing :)